Animal abuse is the number one predictor of human abuse…
Ending animal abuse helps:
71% of women reporting domestic abuse revealed that their abuser hurt or killed their pet first.
88% of families facing child abuse reported the abuser previously hurt animals on purpose.
Violent Crimes…
Crimes of violence drop by 65% when police and prosecutors go after often overlooked crimes.
65% of animal abuse suspects have been arrested for battery in the past.
46% of convicted murders admit to hurting and killing animals for enjoyment before their arrest.
As we studied possible solutions to our communities’ violent crimes, we looked back on the “broken window” approach to reducing crime in New York in the early 1990s. Violent crime dropped 65% and property crime dropped 56% in a few short years simply from law enforcement going after “small” and previously neglected crimes.
What New York (and other cities that followed suit) found, was that by addressing previously neglected crimes and “small” crimes, citizens and potential criminals recognized law enforcement was serious. If people were being held accountable for seemingly small crimes, then potential criminals realized the punishment for larger crimes would be worse and weren’t willing to risk it. This reduced crime across the board.